Monday, February 02, 2009

New Read.

So I picked up a new book recently and I have not been able to put it down. The book is called "The Forgotten Ways" by Alan Hirsch. It is absolutely fascinating. I can't put it down. I was recommended it by my mentor Hule. I am shocked at how much the words in the book are questions I have been asking about how we do youth ministry... really church period. Ministry has changed. In fact, the way change in ministry happens has changed. In the past you could predict ministry trends and tailor your ministry to fit the new, coolest, hippest and most relevant cultural trend. This is no longer the case. Now.... once you have predicted the trend the trend has changed. So what do you do??? I have been wrestling with this questions for a couple of years now. I believe the church is facing a massive movement.... one that if not seen and met could spell the end of much of what we know as church... period. I desperately don't want to miss the boat for fundamental change in my ministry. I think the places we are to venture in ministry are primal... deep... old... tribal. I believe right we are "rethinking" youth ministry and church-dom by putting catchy bandages on (you know the ones... testamints and doughnuts on sundays). This book is beginning to allow me to put some words and thoughts to my convictions and concerns. I am not writing and pretending that I have stumbled upon the age old ways of the church... but I am asking more questions than trusting answers.

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