Thursday, December 14, 2006

Soften Green

My walls in my living room have changed drastically. From an ugly pinkish-tan to a softened green color. I have spent the past two days painting and causing my living room to look like a million bucks (never really understood that saying but it works). When I sit in my house now I feel much better knowing I have a new couch, two chairs, coffee table and softened green walls. So why the rush you might ask?? OR maybe you didn't, but I'll tell you anyway. Friday at 5-7pm a number of 7-8th graders and their parents will desend upon 282 Roberts street for a drop in style Christmas party. So... deck the halls... bruise you hand.



Anonymous said...

a softened green, eh? Is it actually softer to the touch?

Anonymous said...

You are the only one who appreciates my poetic skills. Thank you. How was the party at the newly pimped out house?!??! I want to see pics still...

Nick Cunningham said...

i love the green, it brings out your eyes, and your freckles. do you even have any freckles? i'm your best friend and i don't even know if you have freckles...pathetic

Anonymous said...

Hey Trevor! Its Mich. I love the green... and so does my mom. LOL!