Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The future

I have been consumed all day by a single thought.... where am I going?? I don't mean a inquiry of where I will physically be as much as where the depths of who I am will be. Each time I have gotten quiet today for a short period of time my mind has consistantly come back to that question. there are countless places I have always wanted to go in the call I believe God has on my life. A call is just that... a call... I am unclear on where the conversation will end and at times, where it is. The legit desires I have sensed over the past fews years include but are not limited to starting an outdoor leadership camp to train futre leaders, continue in middle school ministry and pour all I have into understanding the middle school mind... scary really, being a part of a large youth ministry team doing youth minsitry in a unquestionably new way (thinking outside of the box), graphic design??? true, planting a church with some of my closest friends who are striving with all that is inside them (and outside of them- God strength) to allow God to use them to change the world. So where is God leading? It's a tough question these days for me. I think that these thoughts have sprung from reading too many books and reading too many blogs of church leaders. Is that possible though? To over-dream? I want my dreams to only be restrained by one thing... God's revealed direction for me.

It is a fresh new time in my life... again... the church has changed over the past few months in incredible ways. Many of these changes are necessary and well planned. I welcome them. It just feels I have had to adjust more regularlly than a chiropractor's office. I look forward to being able to look back a year from now and notice the subtle leadings and dramatic shifts God brings forth each day.


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