Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Cadbury 2.0

So I was thinking last night while working at my second job (Stornghold climbing gym), Halloween candy really pales in comparison to Easter candy really for one reason and one reason alone... Cadbury creme eggs. I mean you could throw all the candy corn and gummi brains and worms you want in and they still would be burnt toast when held up to the prowess of the Cadbury creme egg. Now I want to be VERY clear here. I DO NOT consider the cadbury carmel egg or chocolate egg to be in the same category as their predecessor. So nice try Halloween, but you have not won me over.

So my thought was that if Cadbury wanted to take my advice and truly become a world (holiday) dominating power they would come up with some kind of cadbury creme bug or pumpkin. I'm telling you it's money in the bank.

On a more serious note I had an amazing conversation with a guy at the gym last night about hiw experience in high school in YL (young life). He spoke so highly of his experiences at YL camp and of his leader Paul Rhiner (The Don). It made me smile. This 19 year old student at USC who saw a glimpse of Jesus through his YL leader... I am so greatful for guys like Paul who keep loving Jesus and being patient with high schoolers and middle schoolers who seem to be unwilling to get their heads out of their pockets and get their lves straight. So thank you Paul and those like you!

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